Efforts to gut Medicaid stopped -- for now

July 18, 2017
by Meredith Dodson, Director of U.S. Poverty Campaigns

Obviously, last night’s news that the Senate will not have the votes to pass legislation that guts Medicaid was huge — and proof that grassroots activism works! In particular, I am tremendously grateful for everyone who shared their story of why Medicaid/health coverage was important in the media, with your members of Congress in meetings/letters/calls, and engaged others to be in action.

As a reminder, there are more threats ahead, including the FY2018 budget — tomorrow, the House Budget Committee will take up legislation that “fast tracks” at least $20 billion in cuts to Medicaid and $10 billion in cuts to SNAP.

TAKE ACTION: Submit letters to the editor (LTE) to your local paper reminding them that the collapse of BCRA is a sign that the American people will not tolerate gutting health care for millions to give tax cuts to the rich, AND any plans to cut or restructure Medicaid must be opposed. Use our updated

There are further threats ahead — but your advocacy has made a difference. Want to make an impact next week? Join us in DC and tell Congress in person! www.resultsconference.org

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